We’ve been asked to temporarily remove social security numbers from our website. We hope to have this feature back within a few weeks, but in the meantime all social security numbers will be generated as 999-99-9999 or 000-00-0000.
We’ve been asked to temporarily remove social security numbers from our website. We hope to have this feature back within a few weeks, but in the meantime all social security numbers will be generated as 999-99-9999 or 000-00-0000.
is there any other way to generate ssn’s cuz this is the website I always use
Sorry, we aren’t able to provide social security numbers for a bit. We hope to have them back online in the next week or two.
then the site will return? Please po really need to use the generator SNN, since ja appreciate the help
A week or two.
Why are the Social Security numbers removed? Was there a legal problem or something along the lines of that? I am just curious