Fake Name Generator Premium
For only $1.99/year you get all of these benefits:
- No ads! We'll remove all the ads from every page on Fake Name Generator.
- You'll use our secure https URL to keep your browsing private and to get around filters.
- We'll remove the analytics code so you can use our site without being tracked.
- We'll remove the sharing buttons to make your pages load even faster.
- We'll double the number of names you can get in a free bulk order. Get up to 100,000 names at a time.
- We'll remove the captcha for free bulk orders.
You need to sign in before you can use Fake Name Generator Premium. We don't track or store your personal information. Google doesn't even give us your email address!
Not ready for Fake Name Generator Premium? Return to the ad-supported Fake Name Generator or log out.
HTTPS Everywhere users: You may need to disable your HTTPS Everywhere plugin in order to access the free, ad-supported version of the Fake Name Generator.